Child Support Modifications

Child support modifications, on their face, appear to be fairly straightforward. However, there are many subtle issues underlying a simple support modification. Premier Legal Technician Firm keeps abreast of current case law and pending legislation affecting the area of child support modifications.

A typical child support modification involves two wage earners, however in a wage-earner scenario, issues will arise such as health insurance deductions, tax exemptions, split custody, shared residential schedules, pre-tax deductions, extracurricular expenses, military pay, and overtime.

As college costs continue to rise, child support modifications to address post-secondary (college costs) are becoming commonplace. The ability to ask for the Court to address post-secondary child support is often reserved for later determination in a child support order. If your child is close to turning 18 or graduating high school, it is important to contact us immediately to avoid a loss of jurisdiction for the court to address the issues.

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